Josiah Novak is an American fitness coach, author, and speaker. His articles have been featured in Fitness RX publications and he’s been a guest on MindPump and the Order of Man podcast.

His mission with the True Transformation Podcast is to inspire, educate and inform you with the best health and fitness information on the planet. Josiah’s company, The True Transformation, is designed to help you transform your life through the power of health and fitness.

Hey I'm
Josiah Novak
and I want to help you dial in your fitness and transform your life.

Your personal trainer shouldn’t just be a source of information. They should be a continued form of a support too. I am dedicated to offering the best overall service possible. And that’s why I can help you succeed where others have previously failed.

You need someone that’s committed to helping you accomplish the very best results possible. I can guarantee that promise.


With over 11 years of experience under my belt, I know how to help my clients get results. I’ve previously supported over 200 people like you change their lives for the better. And I’d be more than happy to help you follow in their footsteps through a combination of great nutrition and fun, personalized routines.

I have been where you are

Before gaining PT certification, there was one client that helped me unlock my true potential: me.

That picture over there? That’s me back in 2009.

After years of body image problems, I eventually found myself over 50 lbs overweight. I had to do something to turn my life around for the better, and I’m so glad I did.

Taking control provided the springboard for success in other areas of life, and I’m now a happy family man that earns a living from doing what he loves. My main goal is to help you achieve a similar level of transformation.

Since becoming a personal trainer, I’ve found that empathy is a huge asset. I am blessed with a firsthand appreciation of your problems because I spent years trying to find that recipe for success.

Having gained it through intense experience, education and enthusiasm, I’m ready to pass that wisdom on to you. Even if you’ve failed time and time again, I can help you finally accomplish those goals.

YOU have the power to transform
your life.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t have visited this site in the first place. With my knowledge and support to hold your hand throughout the journey, you’ll be amazed at how fast those results come. Your life will start to take a noticeable change for the better in just a few short weeks. By the end of a few months, you’ll feel like an entirely new person.

The fact I’ve been there and done it allows me to make those promises with conviction. The previous 200+ happy customers will confirm that the True Transformation platform can be your secret weapon.

I love nothing more than seeing a new client completely transform their life. The confidence gained from those upgrades can help you unlock greater happiness in other crucial areas too.

Your personal trainer shouldn’t just be a source of information. They should be a continued form of a support too. I am dedicated to offering the best overall service possible. And that’s why I can help you succeed where others have previously failed.

I’m ready for the challenge of helping you sculpt that dream body, and I know you are too. Get in touch today, and we can start that journey to greater happiness together.